Wednesday 22 May 2013


Ever since I found a second-hand copy of the third edition, King Arthur Pendragon has been my favourite RPG. And ever since then, I've been telling my friends that one day we would play the game. One day, when we had a place to hold the game regularly, and enough free time.

At the end of 2012, one of my friends pointed out that if we were going to play Pendragon, the time to do it was now. I had got a house with a good gaming room, most of us have finished studying and have jobs and regular routines which it's easier to plan gaming around. So we started playing! Now, several months into the campaign, I've decided to make this blog, as a permanent record of the amazing adventures we've undertaken, a way of sharing it all with the world, and also an index of notes that all the players can access easily.

The first seven and a half years of the campaign are already complete, so when I write up the events of these adventures, I might well miss things out! My players will hopefully fill in any gaps that I've forgotten.

For those who are interested, some notes about the mechanics of how we've been running this. The previous RPGs we've done have all failed due to people being busy and not turning up, so for this one we've got a much larger number of players than normal - 7 of them. The idea is that since only 3-5 will probably be able to come to any given session, there'll always be enough to play. Everyone who doesn't show up is assumed to be on guard duty or something similar that year. So far only one player has come to every session!

In addition, every year I write up a news sheet for each character, summarising the year's adventure and any other major events. I also roll four skills (Faerie Lore, Folk Lore, Intrigue and Religion) - each success grants a bonus piece of information, often a plot hook. This helps to flesh out the greater world, and giving players a number of hooks lets them pick and choose what missions they want to go on - so we can have sandbox-style adventures as well as following the greater metaplot.

As a result of giving the game a blog, it's also been given an official name! The quote is from Rosemary Sutcliff's King Arthur trilogy, and it fits well with the themes of the game so far, as well as some of the events in it...

P.S. This is actually the second time I've run the GPC. The first time was an internet game that died due to GM burnout. For those who are interested, it can be found here: I'd ask my players not to look at it at this point, though, because it contains spoilers for some things that are still coming up in our game!

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