Sunday 18 June 2017

525 AD: The Preparation for War

Even though the knights had only been in the Mouse Kingdom for a single day and night, an entire year had passed in Logres, and there was much news. Ambassadors from Emperor Lucius in Rome had come to Camelot to demand tribute, and King Arthur had decided to give them war instead! The entire country was preparing to invade the continent. Earl Robert was angry that his knights had been gone for so long, but he forgave them, and ordered them to get their lands in order and report to Sarum with as many fighting men as they could muster. He had also made arrangements for old Sir Helbur to act as Steward of Salisbury in his absence. Queen Guinevere would be in charge of the kingdom during the King's absence.

During the preparation for war, sad tidings reached Salisbury. Sir Amren was dead. On his way back home, he had been waylaid and murdered by the robber knight Sir Bertilot. Everyone was upset, especially Lady Elspeth, who swore to see Sir Amren avenged in the fullness of time.

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