Absolom: A blind hermit. Helped locate lost knights of Salisbury (511).
Aeflaed: Illegitimate daughter of Aelle and member of his heorthgeneats. Led the 'Wedding Raid' (517). Escaped from the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Aelle: King of the South Saxons in Sussex. King Uther fought against him at Mearcred Creek (485) and won an inconclusive victory. Aelle took advantage of Logres' distraction to conquer Magouns, and slaughtered all the defenders (491). Octa has made overtures to him, but Aelle has not formed an alliance (493). Recruited Saexwine to his cause (499). Aided King Cerdic against King Nanteleod at Netley Marsh (508). Gave a wedding present of gold stolen by Essex from Amesbury to King Arthur (514). Has united the Saxons against Arthur (517). Led a massive invasion of Logres, but was killed by King Arthur at Badon Hill (518).
Agravain: Son of King Lot and Queen Morgause; brother of Sir Gawain and Sir Gaheris. Has a grudge against Sir Balthazar for interfering when he was abusing peasants (515). Fought at Badon Hill (518)
Aguar: The rightful King of Thule, now an exile in the Fens.
Aeflaed: Illegitimate daughter of Aelle and member of his heorthgeneats. Led the 'Wedding Raid' (517). Escaped from the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Aelle: King of the South Saxons in Sussex. King Uther fought against him at Mearcred Creek (485) and won an inconclusive victory. Aelle took advantage of Logres' distraction to conquer Magouns, and slaughtered all the defenders (491). Octa has made overtures to him, but Aelle has not formed an alliance (493). Recruited Saexwine to his cause (499). Aided King Cerdic against King Nanteleod at Netley Marsh (508). Gave a wedding present of gold stolen by Essex from Amesbury to King Arthur (514). Has united the Saxons against Arthur (517). Led a massive invasion of Logres, but was killed by King Arthur at Badon Hill (518).
Agravain: Son of King Lot and Queen Morgause; brother of Sir Gawain and Sir Gaheris. Has a grudge against Sir Balthazar for interfering when he was abusing peasants (515). Fought at Badon Hill (518)
Aguar: The rightful King of Thule, now an exile in the Fens.
Aidan: A bird-watching knight of Malahaut. Helped Sir Einion 'rescue' Lady Gwladys (515).
Alain: A friendly knight of Escavalon and illegitimate son of King Nanteleod. Fought in the Salisbury Tournament (499). King of Escavalon after the death of his father (508). Took part in the Tournament of the Sword of the Stone, where he was almost slain by Sir Edwin. Gave help to Salisbury in the final round. Swore fealty to King Arthur (510). Killed by Saexwulf at Badon Hill (518).
Arawn: Queen of the Unseen Kingdom in Faerie.
Ariette: The Lady of the Pretty Smile. Married Sir Xavier (515).
Argy: A frequently drunk peasant from Silbury who found the burial mound of King Sil.
Arthur: A former squire from Escavalon and current King of Logres. Son of Uther and Igraine, half-brother of Morgause, Elaine and Morgan, uncle of Sir Gawain, Sir Gaheris and Sir Agravain. He drew the Sword from the Stone and was acclaimed King, and then High King of Britain. Won the Battles of Carlion, Bedegraine, and Cameliard to consolidate his power (510). Composed a Code of Chivalry as a guide for knightly behaviour (511). Won Excalibur, conquered Malahaut and Garloth, arranged for the May Babies incident (512). Defeated twelve rebel kings at the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513). Married Queen Guinevere and instituted the Knights of the Round Table (514). Challenged by the Grey Knight over the May Babies incident; his honour was successfully defended by Sir Gawain (515). Fought against King Colgrin of Deira to reclaim Malahaut (516). Defeated Colgrin, and won a number of other battles against opportunistic Saxon kings invading Logres (517). Defeated the Saxons at Badon Hill (518).
Asher: Handmaiden of Sir Esther. Prone to gossip. Abducted by Welsh hillsmen to be their king's bride, and ransomed back by Sir Esther (494). Now serving as Sir Cuthbert's squire (503). Took Sir Jeremy's body back to Amesbury (506). Found his son, Sir Mabon (507). Has become the new Abbess of Amesbury (509). Resigned as Abbess and became a hermit (515). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Austen: A knight who visited the tournament in Sugales and resisted Elidia's magic (516).
Alain: A friendly knight of Escavalon and illegitimate son of King Nanteleod. Fought in the Salisbury Tournament (499). King of Escavalon after the death of his father (508). Took part in the Tournament of the Sword of the Stone, where he was almost slain by Sir Edwin. Gave help to Salisbury in the final round. Swore fealty to King Arthur (510). Killed by Saexwulf at Badon Hill (518).
Arawn: Queen of the Unseen Kingdom in Faerie.
Ariette: The Lady of the Pretty Smile. Married Sir Xavier (515).
Argy: A frequently drunk peasant from Silbury who found the burial mound of King Sil.
Arthur: A former squire from Escavalon and current King of Logres. Son of Uther and Igraine, half-brother of Morgause, Elaine and Morgan, uncle of Sir Gawain, Sir Gaheris and Sir Agravain. He drew the Sword from the Stone and was acclaimed King, and then High King of Britain. Won the Battles of Carlion, Bedegraine, and Cameliard to consolidate his power (510). Composed a Code of Chivalry as a guide for knightly behaviour (511). Won Excalibur, conquered Malahaut and Garloth, arranged for the May Babies incident (512). Defeated twelve rebel kings at the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513). Married Queen Guinevere and instituted the Knights of the Round Table (514). Challenged by the Grey Knight over the May Babies incident; his honour was successfully defended by Sir Gawain (515). Fought against King Colgrin of Deira to reclaim Malahaut (516). Defeated Colgrin, and won a number of other battles against opportunistic Saxon kings invading Logres (517). Defeated the Saxons at Badon Hill (518).
Asher: Handmaiden of Sir Esther. Prone to gossip. Abducted by Welsh hillsmen to be their king's bride, and ransomed back by Sir Esther (494). Now serving as Sir Cuthbert's squire (503). Took Sir Jeremy's body back to Amesbury (506). Found his son, Sir Mabon (507). Has become the new Abbess of Amesbury (509). Resigned as Abbess and became a hermit (515). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Austen: A knight who visited the tournament in Sugales and resisted Elidia's magic (516).
Badulf: Brother of King Colgrin. Led an army against Arthur, but was ambushed by Sir Cador at the River Dubglas. He escaped and managed to join his brother, though his army was destroyed (516). Surrendered to Arthur, and then joined King Aelle (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Balan: Brother of Sir Balin. Petitioned the King to have his brother freed from prison; left court with his brother (512). Captured King Ryonce, and fought in the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513). Slain by his brother Sir Balin (515).
Baldeth: Wife of Gladwine, mother of Sigeward and Wigmund. Abused by her husband. Wigmund is her favourite son.
Balin: The Knight With Two Swords. Brother of Sir Balan. Imprisoned for killing King Arthur's cousin in a duel (511). Drew Lady Malvis' sword; slew Lady Nineve and Prince Lanceor; banished from King Arthur's court (512). Captured King Ryonce, and fought at the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513). Struck the Dolorous Blow (514). Slain by his brother Sir Balan (515).
Ban: King of Benwick in France and brother of King Bors. Led his armies to help King Arthur in the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Defeated by King Claudas (513).
Baudwin: A bishop-knight. Chosen to guard Excalibur as one of the ten best knights in Britain (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Bedivere: Brother of Duke Derfel and Lucan. Has only one hand. Chosen to guard Excalibur as one of the ten best knights in Britain (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Belinans: King of Powys, father of Sir Dodinas and formerly husband of Elidia. Expanded during the Anarchy to conquer other hill tribes, and renamed his kingdom 'Sugales'. Hosted the Tournament of Dreams, at which Queen Elidia attempted to kill him (516).
Beowulf: Geat prince. Slew the monster Grendel and his mother (516). Joined the Knights of the Round Table, to test himself against the greatest heroes in the world (517). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Berchthild: Daughter of Ealdorman Coelfrith of Anglia and his wife Heagyth, younger sister of Ganulf. She was accidentally abducted by Wigmund, and escaped into faerie, where her brother and some of Aelle's heorthgeneats rescued her (517).
Bercilak: A cheerful knight living in the Forest Arroy. Guided the Knights of Salisbury to the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudclud (515).
Berrant: Prince of Malahaut. Terrorises peasants with his group of faux-Roman crony-knights. Invaded northern Logres, in an alliance with the Saxons (494). Attempted to negotiate an alliance with the Picts (501). Took part in the invasion of Lindsey (503). Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone; fought against King Arthur in the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Became the King of the Hundred Knights upon the death of his father (512). Barely escaped Malahaut ahead of King Colgrin's invasion (516). Reclaimed his kingdom after Arthur defeated Colgrin (517). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Billis: King of the Unseen Kingdom in Faerie. Gave the knights of Salisbury the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudclud (515).
Birda: The wisewoman of Silbury.
Blaines: The Steward of Leucomagus, son of Sir Rhisiart. He believes that his father was murdered by the men of Salisbury. Raided across the border, but was driven back by Sir Helbur and Sir Edwin (506). Died protecting Queen Guinevere (518).
Bleddyn: Son of Sir Bleddyn of Salisbury. Was knighted to fill out the ranks at Badon Hill, where he died (518).
Bors: King of Gaunnes in France and brother of King Ban. Led his armies to help King Arthur in the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Defeated by King Claudas (513).
Blackblood: A giant who liked eating horses. Stole Selemine from Queen Arawn of the Unseen Kingdom; the horse was rescued and Blackblood was slain by Sir Xavier (515).
Brastias (2): A mercenary knight, formerly of Cornwall. Chosen to guard Excalibur as one of the ten best knights in Britain (510). Appointed Warden of the North (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Bronwyn: An intelligent young woman at Illwind, and friends with Sir Arnulf. Helped Sir Cadfael court Lady Violette (489). Accompanied Violette on her quest to save Sir Cadfael from the Irish (493). Rules Fairwind Castle as steward after the death of Lady Violette (497).
Brown Knight of the Wilds: A knight wearing rusty antique armour, obsessed with honour and chivalry. Defeated Prince Galegantis at the Battle of Bassus River (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Birda: The wisewoman of Silbury.
Blaines: The Steward of Leucomagus, son of Sir Rhisiart. He believes that his father was murdered by the men of Salisbury. Raided across the border, but was driven back by Sir Helbur and Sir Edwin (506). Died protecting Queen Guinevere (518).
Bleddyn: Son of Sir Bleddyn of Salisbury. Was knighted to fill out the ranks at Badon Hill, where he died (518).
Bors: King of Gaunnes in France and brother of King Ban. Led his armies to help King Arthur in the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Defeated by King Claudas (513).
Blackblood: A giant who liked eating horses. Stole Selemine from Queen Arawn of the Unseen Kingdom; the horse was rescued and Blackblood was slain by Sir Xavier (515).
Brastias (2): A mercenary knight, formerly of Cornwall. Chosen to guard Excalibur as one of the ten best knights in Britain (510). Appointed Warden of the North (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Bronwyn: An intelligent young woman at Illwind, and friends with Sir Arnulf. Helped Sir Cadfael court Lady Violette (489). Accompanied Violette on her quest to save Sir Cadfael from the Irish (493). Rules Fairwind Castle as steward after the death of Lady Violette (497).
Brown Knight of the Wilds: A knight wearing rusty antique armour, obsessed with honour and chivalry. Defeated Prince Galegantis at the Battle of Bassus River (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Cador: Son of Duke Gorlois by his first wife, father of Sir Constantine. Led a token Cornish force at the Battle of Mearcred Creek, where he was insulted by Sir Cadfael (485). Fought at Lincoln (490). Reconciled with Sir Cadfael at King Uther’s Christmas feast. He survived the fall of Cornwall but became disillusioned with knighthood. Sir Cadfael helped him escape (491). Fought in the Battle of Saint Albans for Sir Cadfael's sake, where he slew the giant Eosa, then slipped away before the fatal feast (495). Took service with King Nanteleod in Wales (496). Visited Salisbury as part of the Salisbury Tournament (499). Helped defeat the Redcap (500). Took part in the campaign against King Idres in Somerset (506). Swore fealty to King Arthur, and selected to guard Excalibur as one of the ten best knights of Britain; saved Sir Fflergant at the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Led a force that ambushed Saxon reinforcements at the Battle of the River Dubglas (516). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Cador (2): Son of Sir Cadfael and Lady Violette, raised at Fairwind Castle. Was knighted to fill out the ranks at Badon Hill, where he died (518).
Cadwy: King of Somerset. Untrustworthy but not powerful enough to cause any meaningful trouble. Sent raiders across the border into Salisbury when the army was on the continent with Praetor Syagrius (488). King Uther used this matter as leverage to win his vote on the Collegium (489). Has lost half of Somerset to the Cornish (504). Loses Bath and Bristol (505). Swore fealty to King Nanteleod to win his aid in reclaiming Salisbury (506). Has reclaimed Somerset (507). Swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Carados: King of Scotland. He fought against King Arthur at the Battle of Carlion, but was defeated and yielded to Sir Edwin (510).
Centurion King: The King of Malahaut and member of the Supreme Collegium. Has agreed to vote for Uther Pendragon as High King (487). Has lost his confidence in King Uther after the Pendragon abandoned the meeting of the Supreme Collegium to chase Igraine, the wife of Duke Gorlois (491). Agreed to an alliance with King Octa against Logres (493). Invaded northern Logres as part of his alliance with the Saxons (494). Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone; swore fealty to King Arthur but then joined King Lot's forces opposing him at the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Died at the Battle of Bassus River (512).
Cadwy: King of Somerset. Untrustworthy but not powerful enough to cause any meaningful trouble. Sent raiders across the border into Salisbury when the army was on the continent with Praetor Syagrius (488). King Uther used this matter as leverage to win his vote on the Collegium (489). Has lost half of Somerset to the Cornish (504). Loses Bath and Bristol (505). Swore fealty to King Nanteleod to win his aid in reclaiming Salisbury (506). Has reclaimed Somerset (507). Swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Carados: King of Scotland. He fought against King Arthur at the Battle of Carlion, but was defeated and yielded to Sir Edwin (510).
Centurion King: The King of Malahaut and member of the Supreme Collegium. Has agreed to vote for Uther Pendragon as High King (487). Has lost his confidence in King Uther after the Pendragon abandoned the meeting of the Supreme Collegium to chase Igraine, the wife of Duke Gorlois (491). Agreed to an alliance with King Octa against Logres (493). Invaded northern Logres as part of his alliance with the Saxons (494). Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone; swore fealty to King Arthur but then joined King Lot's forces opposing him at the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Died at the Battle of Bassus River (512).
Cerdic: Half-Saxon son of Vortigern and King of Wessex. Conquered Hampshire, renaming it Wessex (495). Attempted to gain an alliance with Salisbury, but was rebuffed (496). Conquered the Isle of Wight (497). Salisbury agreed to serve him (498). Conquered Salisbury (499). Lost Portchester to King Port (502). Withdrew rather than fight King Nanteleod (505). Made peace overtures to Salisbury, which were rejected (506). Made an alliance with King Port (507). Defeated King Nanteleod at the Battle of Netley Marsh (508). Took part in the tournament of the Sword in the Stone; was slain by Sir Edwin but saved by Svenhilde's magic (510). Invaded Britain, but was defeated by King Arthur; subsequently swore fealty to King Aelle. (517). Captured by King Arthur at Badon Hill (518).
Cheldric: Saxon King. Arrived in Britain, and forced Arthur to withdraw from his siege of Eburacum (516). Defeated by Arthur, he swore to return to the continent and then joined King Aelle (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Coelfrith: A loyal Saxon Ealdorman in Anglia, whose domain stretches from the Little Ouse River Valley to the borders of Logres. Husband of Heagyth, father of Ganulf and Berchthild. Led the Saxon retreat from Badon Hill (518).
Colgrin: Saxon King and brother of Badulf. Arrived in Britain, and conquered Deira and much of Malahaut (516). Defeated by Arthur and pursued into Caledonia, where he surrendered and swore to return to the continent; instead joined King Aelle (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Colombe: Lady of Jagent. Rescued from brigands by Prince Lanceor (511). Killed herself when Sir Balin slew Prince Lanceor (512).
Constantine: Son of Sir Cador. Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Coombs: A friar. Revealed the location of the Queen of the Wasteland to Sir Balthazar (515).
Corval: Senator of Dorset. Led a force to wipe out the Brigand King. Swapped sides to support the Saxons after the conquest of Dorset (509). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Cwichelm: King of Anglia. Defeated by Arthur at the River Glen (516). Invaded Logres; managed to lay siege to the City of Legions, but was defeated by Arthur there and at Tribuit. As a result, he agreed to join in King Aelle's alliance (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Cynric: Prince of Wessex and son of Cerdic. Following his defeat at the Salisbury Tournament, he was incited by the Redcap into conquering Salisbury (499). Fled Sarum when it was attacked by a dragon (502). Has been secretly training a regiment of Saxon knights. His knights killed King Nanteleod at the Battle of Netley Marsh (508).Took part in the tournament of the Sword in the Stone; was defeated by Sir Edwin there (510). Captured by King Arthur at Badon Hill (518).
Cynwal: Kinsman of Sir Balin. Slain at the Easter Tournament (515).
Dafydd: Sir Victor's drunken blacksmith.
Cheldric: Saxon King. Arrived in Britain, and forced Arthur to withdraw from his siege of Eburacum (516). Defeated by Arthur, he swore to return to the continent and then joined King Aelle (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Coelfrith: A loyal Saxon Ealdorman in Anglia, whose domain stretches from the Little Ouse River Valley to the borders of Logres. Husband of Heagyth, father of Ganulf and Berchthild. Led the Saxon retreat from Badon Hill (518).
Colgrin: Saxon King and brother of Badulf. Arrived in Britain, and conquered Deira and much of Malahaut (516). Defeated by Arthur and pursued into Caledonia, where he surrendered and swore to return to the continent; instead joined King Aelle (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Colombe: Lady of Jagent. Rescued from brigands by Prince Lanceor (511). Killed herself when Sir Balin slew Prince Lanceor (512).
Constantine: Son of Sir Cador. Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Coombs: A friar. Revealed the location of the Queen of the Wasteland to Sir Balthazar (515).
Corval: Senator of Dorset. Led a force to wipe out the Brigand King. Swapped sides to support the Saxons after the conquest of Dorset (509). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Cwichelm: King of Anglia. Defeated by Arthur at the River Glen (516). Invaded Logres; managed to lay siege to the City of Legions, but was defeated by Arthur there and at Tribuit. As a result, he agreed to join in King Aelle's alliance (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Cynric: Prince of Wessex and son of Cerdic. Following his defeat at the Salisbury Tournament, he was incited by the Redcap into conquering Salisbury (499). Fled Sarum when it was attacked by a dragon (502). Has been secretly training a regiment of Saxon knights. His knights killed King Nanteleod at the Battle of Netley Marsh (508).Took part in the tournament of the Sword in the Stone; was defeated by Sir Edwin there (510). Captured by King Arthur at Badon Hill (518).
Cynwal: Kinsman of Sir Balin. Slain at the Easter Tournament (515).
Dafydd: Sir Victor's drunken blacksmith.
Dai: A cowardly knight of Malahaut with the same heraldry as Sir Taedi. Attempted to flee to the continent when his father was slain, but lost all of his money to swindlers, and was dragged back to his family by Sir Taedi (515). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Deidre: The child of Sir Helbur and Sir Esther, conceived in the Forest Sauvage (496). Sprouted butterfly wings and flew away (497). Married the Rabbit King (502) Rescued Sir Gwyn from a giant in the Forest Sauvage (510).
Derfel: Duke of Lindsey. Son of Duke Corneus, and brother to Sir Bedivere and Sir Lucan. Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Deidre: The child of Sir Helbur and Sir Esther, conceived in the Forest Sauvage (496). Sprouted butterfly wings and flew away (497). Married the Rabbit King (502) Rescued Sir Gwyn from a giant in the Forest Sauvage (510).
Derfel: Duke of Lindsey. Son of Duke Corneus, and brother to Sir Bedivere and Sir Lucan. Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Dewi: Called ‘The Waterman’ for his temperance, a Christian saint in Carlion. Helped convict Merlin of high treason (492). Refused to assist Gwionaism (494). Accused Svenhilde of witchcraft (512).
Dirac: Prince of Estregales, son of King Canan and older brother of Prince Lac. He likes nuns rather too much. Was framed for attempting to murder his father by Sir Orcas, unsuccessfully (494). Fled his kingdom after it was invaded by the Irish (495). Has been reinstated as king by Nanteleod, to whom he has sworn fealty (498). Took part in the tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Diwrnach: 'King' of a tribe of cannibals on the island of Mona.
Dodinas: Called 'The Wild'. Son of King Belinans, best friend of Sir Sagremore, Prince of Sugales, Knight of the Round Table. Slew the hippogriff of Elidia at the Tournament of Dreams (516). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Dubricus: The Archbishop of Canterbury. Organised the tournament of the Sword of the Stone, and crowned King Arthur (510). Received the right of Sanctury for every church in Britain (514).
Dirac: Prince of Estregales, son of King Canan and older brother of Prince Lac. He likes nuns rather too much. Was framed for attempting to murder his father by Sir Orcas, unsuccessfully (494). Fled his kingdom after it was invaded by the Irish (495). Has been reinstated as king by Nanteleod, to whom he has sworn fealty (498). Took part in the tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Diwrnach: 'King' of a tribe of cannibals on the island of Mona.
Dodinas: Called 'The Wild'. Son of King Belinans, best friend of Sir Sagremore, Prince of Sugales, Knight of the Round Table. Slew the hippogriff of Elidia at the Tournament of Dreams (516). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Dubricus: The Archbishop of Canterbury. Organised the tournament of the Sword of the Stone, and crowned King Arthur (510). Received the right of Sanctury for every church in Britain (514).
Ecgheard: Long-haired friend of Wigmund. A poet. Accidentally helped him kidnap Berchthild (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Ector: A poor but honest knight of Cambria. He fought in the tournament at King Uther’s Christmas feast in London but was defeated by Sir Cadfael (491). Took his sons to the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, where it was revealed that his foster-son Arthur was the rightful King of Logres (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Eilmer: A monk of Malmsebury, interested in all sorts of sciences. He attempted to fly, but forgot to put a tail on his hinder parts and crashed into a tree (494). Visited Amesbury (495). Deduced the origins of the faerie storm (496). Living at Fairwind Castle with Merlin (518).
Einion: Knight of Malahaut. 'Rescued' his true love, Gwladys, and married her, with the help of Sir Taedi (515).
Ector: A poor but honest knight of Cambria. He fought in the tournament at King Uther’s Christmas feast in London but was defeated by Sir Cadfael (491). Took his sons to the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, where it was revealed that his foster-son Arthur was the rightful King of Logres (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Eilmer: A monk of Malmsebury, interested in all sorts of sciences. He attempted to fly, but forgot to put a tail on his hinder parts and crashed into a tree (494). Visited Amesbury (495). Deduced the origins of the faerie storm (496). Living at Fairwind Castle with Merlin (518).
Einion: Knight of Malahaut. 'Rescued' his true love, Gwladys, and married her, with the help of Sir Taedi (515).
Elaine (3): Daughter of Gorlois. After her father's death she was married to King Nentres of Garloth (492)
Elavane: Wife of Sir Bercilak, living in the Forest Arroy (515).
Elidia: Formerly Queen of Sugales and wife of King Belinans. Leader of the Order of the Wreath. A sorceress attempting to restore paganism. Attempted to kill King Belinans during the Tournament of Dreams, but escaped (516).
Escan: Duke of Gloucester. Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Evienne: One of the Ladies of the Lake, a pagan sisterhood blessed with minor magical talents: she is a clairvoyant. Taken as a slave by the Irish, but rescued by Sir Cadfael (492). Helped rescue Sir Cadfael from Ireland (493). Helped find the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir - she plotted treachery but was almost slain by Saxons (504). Slain by Nimue during the fall of the Ladies of the Lake (515).
Elavane: Wife of Sir Bercilak, living in the Forest Arroy (515).
Elidia: Formerly Queen of Sugales and wife of King Belinans. Leader of the Order of the Wreath. A sorceress attempting to restore paganism. Attempted to kill King Belinans during the Tournament of Dreams, but escaped (516).
Escan: Duke of Gloucester. Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Evienne: One of the Ladies of the Lake, a pagan sisterhood blessed with minor magical talents: she is a clairvoyant. Taken as a slave by the Irish, but rescued by Sir Cadfael (492). Helped rescue Sir Cadfael from Ireland (493). Helped find the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir - she plotted treachery but was almost slain by Saxons (504). Slain by Nimue during the fall of the Ladies of the Lake (515).
Ffanci: Senator of Dorset. Vapid and self-serving, but a natural survivor. Collaborated with the Saxons, and was able to keep his power following the invasion of Dorset (509).Died at Badon Hill (518).
Gaheris: Son of King Lot and Queen Morgause, brother of Sir Gawain and Sir Agravain. Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Galegantis: Son of King Nentres of Garloth. Fought at the Battle of Bassus River (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Ganulf: Son and heir of Ealdorman Coelfrith and his wife Heagyth, brother of Berchthild. Killed a manticore to rescue his sister from Faerie and joined Aelle's heorthgeneats (517). Survived the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Gawain: Son of King Lot and Queen Morgause; brother of Sir Gaheris and Sir Agravain; nephew of King Arthur. Raised by the Pope, and given divine solar powers. Met the young King for the first time and became friends (511). Staying at Arthur's court with his brother as a 'hostage' (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table, and took part in the Quest of the White Hart (514). Defeated the Grey Knight as the champion of King Arthur (515). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Gilbert: Earl of Hertford. Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Gilegra: A Raven Witch sent by Morgan to steal the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudclud. Slain by Sir Xavier (515).
Gladwine: A disloyal Ealdorman of Anglia, who lands are in the south-east of the Little Ouse River Valley. Married to Baldeth, father of Sigeward and Wigmund, enemy of Ealdorman Leofdag. He was unsuccessful in sabotaging his son's marriage to Leofdag's daughter Mildgyth (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Godrun: Forceful wife of Leofdag and mother of Mildgyth. Took part in the 'wedding raid' (517).
Gotegrim: Son of King Leodegrance of Cameliard; the youngest child. Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Graid: Veteran Knight of King Arthur who brought back word of the Wasteland (515).
Griflet: Young knight who rode out to challenge King Pellinore and was defeated (512). Championed Svenhilde's honour against Sir Simeon (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Galegantis: Son of King Nentres of Garloth. Fought at the Battle of Bassus River (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Ganulf: Son and heir of Ealdorman Coelfrith and his wife Heagyth, brother of Berchthild. Killed a manticore to rescue his sister from Faerie and joined Aelle's heorthgeneats (517). Survived the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Gawain: Son of King Lot and Queen Morgause; brother of Sir Gaheris and Sir Agravain; nephew of King Arthur. Raised by the Pope, and given divine solar powers. Met the young King for the first time and became friends (511). Staying at Arthur's court with his brother as a 'hostage' (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table, and took part in the Quest of the White Hart (514). Defeated the Grey Knight as the champion of King Arthur (515). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Gilbert: Earl of Hertford. Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Gilegra: A Raven Witch sent by Morgan to steal the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudclud. Slain by Sir Xavier (515).
Gladwine: A disloyal Ealdorman of Anglia, who lands are in the south-east of the Little Ouse River Valley. Married to Baldeth, father of Sigeward and Wigmund, enemy of Ealdorman Leofdag. He was unsuccessful in sabotaging his son's marriage to Leofdag's daughter Mildgyth (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Godrun: Forceful wife of Leofdag and mother of Mildgyth. Took part in the 'wedding raid' (517).
Gotegrim: Son of King Leodegrance of Cameliard; the youngest child. Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Graid: Veteran Knight of King Arthur who brought back word of the Wasteland (515).
Griflet: Young knight who rode out to challenge King Pellinore and was defeated (512). Championed Svenhilde's honour against Sir Simeon (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Guinevach: Daughter of King Leodegrance of Cameliard; the younger twin of Guinevere.
Guinevere: Daughter of King Leodegrance of Cameliard; the oldest child and twin of Guinevach. Married King Arthur and became High Queen of Britain (514). Has begun The Queen's Justice, a welfare system (515). Narrowly escaped Saxons during the invasion of Logres, she planted her banner at Badon Hill to buy time for Arthur (518).
Gwaid: Knight of the Wreath, champion of King Belinans of Sugales; lover of Queen Elidia. Famous for killing four lions. Tried to kill King Belinans at the Tournament of Dreams, but was slain by Sir Taedi (516).
Gwendolyn: Blind shepherdess from Bedegraine. Illegitimate daughter of King Pellinore. Married Sir Cuthbert (503). Nearly starved after his death (506). Is being looked after by Sir Donna and her family (507). Evacuated to Fairwind Castle (518).
Guinevere: Daughter of King Leodegrance of Cameliard; the oldest child and twin of Guinevach. Married King Arthur and became High Queen of Britain (514). Has begun The Queen's Justice, a welfare system (515). Narrowly escaped Saxons during the invasion of Logres, she planted her banner at Badon Hill to buy time for Arthur (518).
Gwaid: Knight of the Wreath, champion of King Belinans of Sugales; lover of Queen Elidia. Famous for killing four lions. Tried to kill King Belinans at the Tournament of Dreams, but was slain by Sir Taedi (516).
Gwendolyn: Blind shepherdess from Bedegraine. Illegitimate daughter of King Pellinore. Married Sir Cuthbert (503). Nearly starved after his death (506). Is being looked after by Sir Donna and her family (507). Evacuated to Fairwind Castle (518).
Gwladys: A loud lady of Malahaut. Daughter of Sir Heilyr, sister of Sir Dai. Married her true love, Sir Einion (515).
Gwyddno Garanhir: Legendary traveler and adventurer. At one time, King of Cantrev Gwaelod. Rescued the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir from Irish raiders on Mona. Helped retrieve the Hamper from Cantrev Gwaelod (504). Disappeared into the Forest Sauvage (509). Discovered living with Merlin at Fairwind Castle; fought in the Battle of Badon Hill, where he died (518).
Heagyth: Wife of Coelfrith, mother of Ganulf and Berchthild. An experienced warrior. Survived the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Gwyddno Garanhir: Legendary traveler and adventurer. At one time, King of Cantrev Gwaelod. Rescued the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir from Irish raiders on Mona. Helped retrieve the Hamper from Cantrev Gwaelod (504). Disappeared into the Forest Sauvage (509). Discovered living with Merlin at Fairwind Castle; fought in the Battle of Badon Hill, where he died (518).
Heagyth: Wife of Coelfrith, mother of Ganulf and Berchthild. An experienced warrior. Survived the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Heilyn: Slew Sir Wynfar by treachery and claimed his lands during the Anarchy. Slain by Sir Wynfar's son, Sir Meurig (515).
Herelaf: Long-haired friend of Wigmund. A poet. Accidentally helped him kidnap Berchthild (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Herga: The Saxon emissary to conquered Salisbury. Died at Badon Hill (518).
Hervis of Revil: An elderly knight, dispossessed by the Saxons many years ago and waging a one-man war on them. Guarded Excalibur as one of the ten best knights alive (510). Led a raiding party into Anglia (511). Learned of the fate of his relatives after the fall of Caercolun, and was made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Reclaimed his duchy after the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Heward the Pale: A club-footed knight living near London. Artistic and charitable, he has been taking in refugees from the war. Has begun to reconcile with the Church (501). Rescued Sir Julius and Archbishop Bartholomew, who later died (504) Swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Horrit: A witch who lives in the Fens. 'Trained' Svenhilde in magic.
Herelaf: Long-haired friend of Wigmund. A poet. Accidentally helped him kidnap Berchthild (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Herga: The Saxon emissary to conquered Salisbury. Died at Badon Hill (518).
Hervis of Revil: An elderly knight, dispossessed by the Saxons many years ago and waging a one-man war on them. Guarded Excalibur as one of the ten best knights alive (510). Led a raiding party into Anglia (511). Learned of the fate of his relatives after the fall of Caercolun, and was made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Reclaimed his duchy after the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Heward the Pale: A club-footed knight living near London. Artistic and charitable, he has been taking in refugees from the war. Has begun to reconcile with the Church (501). Rescued Sir Julius and Archbishop Bartholomew, who later died (504) Swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Horrit: A witch who lives in the Fens. 'Trained' Svenhilde in magic.
Idres: King of Cornwall. Conquered the duchy of Cornwall (497). Conquered Devon (498). Conquered Jagent (499). Repulsed by Dorset (500). Arranged for the deaths of many lords in the lands he had conquered, including the Earl of Devon (502). Sent assassins after Sir Edwin (503). Invaded Somerset and conquered Wells (504). Conquers Bath and Bristol (505). Has gone to war with King Nanteleod (506). King Nanteleod has driven him out of Somerset (507). Sent troops to help fight against King Nanteleod at Netley Marsh (508). Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and fought against King Arthur in the battle of Bedegraine (510). Slain at the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513).
Igraine: Duchess of Cornwall. Married to Duke Gorlois (485). King Uther fell in love with her at London. Raped by Uther in the form of Duke Gorlois. Married Uther to become Queen of Logres a month later. Pregnant (491). After the abduction of her baby by Merlin, she has used witchcraft to curse him (492). Retired to Amesbury with her daughter Morgan following the death of King Uther Pendragon (495). Saxon raiders from Essex attempted to rescue her, but she was rescued by her daughter Morgan's magic (501). Met with Arthur and acknowledged him as her son (512).
Igraine: Duchess of Cornwall. Married to Duke Gorlois (485). King Uther fell in love with her at London. Raped by Uther in the form of Duke Gorlois. Married Uther to become Queen of Logres a month later. Pregnant (491). After the abduction of her baby by Merlin, she has used witchcraft to curse him (492). Retired to Amesbury with her daughter Morgan following the death of King Uther Pendragon (495). Saxon raiders from Essex attempted to rescue her, but she was rescued by her daughter Morgan's magic (501). Met with Arthur and acknowledged him as her son (512).
Jaradan: Knight of Salisbury. An ambitious man obsessed with swords. He married Lady Indeg (485) for her considerable estates. Killed a berserker in single combat at Lincoln (490). Fought at the Battle of Saint Albans (495). Helped reclaim Salisbury from the Saxons (505). Made Lord of Tilshead (506). Took part in the tournament of the Sword in the Stone (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Died at Badon Hill (518).
John: A peasant of Silbury. Tried to seduce Sir Mabon, at the request of Sir Fflergant and Sir Balthazar (511).
Julian: The descendant of the last Roman defender of Hadrian's Wall. Believed to be a ghost by the Picts. Helped save the knights of Salisbury from the Picts, and married Bretta of Wallton (501). Brought under the control of the Warden of the North (512). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Julius: The secular lord of Saint Albans - effectively just the leader of the town guard. He killed Sir Albrecht (492). Fought at the Battle of Saint Albans (495). Rescued Archbishop Bartholomew from the attack on Saint Albans (503). Killed Siegfried and was wounded; rescued from the wilderness by Sir Heward the Pale (504). Became a Knight of Saint Gwiona (507). Lost a duel of honour against Sir Telifan for the sake of the Knights of Gwiona (510). Slain when he dishonourably attacked Sir Telifan (511).
Julian: The descendant of the last Roman defender of Hadrian's Wall. Believed to be a ghost by the Picts. Helped save the knights of Salisbury from the Picts, and married Bretta of Wallton (501). Brought under the control of the Warden of the North (512). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Julius: The secular lord of Saint Albans - effectively just the leader of the town guard. He killed Sir Albrecht (492). Fought at the Battle of Saint Albans (495). Rescued Archbishop Bartholomew from the attack on Saint Albans (503). Killed Siegfried and was wounded; rescued from the wilderness by Sir Heward the Pale (504). Became a Knight of Saint Gwiona (507). Lost a duel of honour against Sir Telifan for the sake of the Knights of Gwiona (510). Slain when he dishonourably attacked Sir Telifan (511).
Kay: Brother and Seneschal to King Arthur. Chosen to guard Excalibur as one of the ten best knights in Britain, because of his family rather than his merit; distinguished himself in the tournament before the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Accused Sir Mabon of not being a fit knight (513). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Embarrassed by Sir Balthazar; subsequently won the Easter tournament (515). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Lac: Son of King Canan of Estregales, and brother of Prince Dirac. Fled Estregales when it was conquered by the Irish (495).
Lanceor: Prince of Estregales, and uncle to King Dirac. Slain by Sir Balin (512).
Lady of the Lake: The fey godmother of Merlin. There is a pagan sisterhood named after her. She helped Merlin claim Excalibur from Faerie (486). Sir Esther has also entered into a pact with her to protect Nimue (499). Gave Excalibur to King Arthur (512).
Lady of the Rock: A pious noblewoman of Powys. She was loyal to King Belinans during the Tournament of Dreams (516).
Leodegrance: King of Cameliard. Has agreed to accept a tutor from Saint Gwiona for his daughter Guinevere (491). His wife suffered a miscarriage (492). Has agreed to a Gwionaite monastery and orphanage in Cameliard (494). Had an affair, leading to the birth of Guinevere and Guinevach (497). Has agreed to shelter the refugees from Salisbury (499). Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur; invaded by King Ryonce, but defended by King Arthur (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Leofdag: Ealdorman of Anglia, whose lands are on the northern side of the Little Ouse River Valley. Henpecked husband of Godrun and father of Mildgyth. Sworn enemy of Ealdorman Gladwine. Died at Badon Hill (518).
Logrin: A knight formerly of Cornwall, whose father defected to the Saxons after Uther's invasion of Cornwall. A member of Aelle's heorthgeneats. He took part in the 'Wedding Raid' (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Lanceor: Prince of Estregales, and uncle to King Dirac. Slain by Sir Balin (512).
Lady of the Lake: The fey godmother of Merlin. There is a pagan sisterhood named after her. She helped Merlin claim Excalibur from Faerie (486). Sir Esther has also entered into a pact with her to protect Nimue (499). Gave Excalibur to King Arthur (512).
Lady of the Rock: A pious noblewoman of Powys. She was loyal to King Belinans during the Tournament of Dreams (516).
Leodegrance: King of Cameliard. Has agreed to accept a tutor from Saint Gwiona for his daughter Guinevere (491). His wife suffered a miscarriage (492). Has agreed to a Gwionaite monastery and orphanage in Cameliard (494). Had an affair, leading to the birth of Guinevere and Guinevach (497). Has agreed to shelter the refugees from Salisbury (499). Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur; invaded by King Ryonce, but defended by King Arthur (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Leofdag: Ealdorman of Anglia, whose lands are on the northern side of the Little Ouse River Valley. Henpecked husband of Godrun and father of Mildgyth. Sworn enemy of Ealdorman Gladwine. Died at Badon Hill (518).
Logrin: A knight formerly of Cornwall, whose father defected to the Saxons after Uther's invasion of Cornwall. A member of Aelle's heorthgeneats. He took part in the 'Wedding Raid' (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Lot: King of Lothian, the most powerful King north of the Wall. Tried and failed to get a seat on the Supreme Collegium (491). Married to Morgause, daughter of Gorlois (492). Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and would have won; he refused to swear fealty to King Arthur and was defeated at the Battle of Carlion and the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Sent his wife as envoy to King Arthur to negotiate peace (511). Mustered an army against Arthur again (512). Slain by King Pellinore at the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513).
Lucan: Brother of Duke Corneus of Lindsey and Sir Bedivere. Chosen to guard Excalibur as one of the ten best knights of Logres (510). Investigating the poisoning of King Uther (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Lucan: Brother of Duke Corneus of Lindsey and Sir Bedivere. Chosen to guard Excalibur as one of the ten best knights of Logres (510). Investigating the poisoning of King Uther (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Macsen: Baron of Lonazep. Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510).
Madog: King of the Forest Sauvage. Granted a boon to the mortals who visited his realm, rewarding those who chose selflessly and punishing those who chose selfishly (499).
Malvis: A lady bearing a sword that could only be drawn from its scabbard by the best knight in the world - Sir Balin (512).
Magnus: Son of Sir Cadfael and Lady Violette. Raised in Fairwind Castle. Was knighted to fill out the ranks at the Battle of Badon Hill, where he died (518).
Mark: The King of Cornwall. Went as ambassador to Salisbury, and took part in the Salisbury Tournament (499). Fought at the Battle of Netley Marsh; he surrendered to Sir Edwin, but broke his parole and escaped when the battle was lost (508). Established a monument to Prince Lanceor and Lady Colombe (512). Became King after the death of his father (513).
Marsden: A boastful knight who visited the Tournament of Dreams (516).
Merionwydd: A travelling bard who spreads the news of Britain as he goes. Disappeared, presumed dead (517). Living with Merlin at Fairwind Castle; died at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Madog: King of the Forest Sauvage. Granted a boon to the mortals who visited his realm, rewarding those who chose selflessly and punishing those who chose selfishly (499).
Malvis: A lady bearing a sword that could only be drawn from its scabbard by the best knight in the world - Sir Balin (512).
Magnus: Son of Sir Cadfael and Lady Violette. Raised in Fairwind Castle. Was knighted to fill out the ranks at the Battle of Badon Hill, where he died (518).
Mark: The King of Cornwall. Went as ambassador to Salisbury, and took part in the Salisbury Tournament (499). Fought at the Battle of Netley Marsh; he surrendered to Sir Edwin, but broke his parole and escaped when the battle was lost (508). Established a monument to Prince Lanceor and Lady Colombe (512). Became King after the death of his father (513).
Marsden: A boastful knight who visited the Tournament of Dreams (516).
Merionwydd: A travelling bard who spreads the news of Britain as he goes. Disappeared, presumed dead (517). Living with Merlin at Fairwind Castle; died at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Merlin: Goes by many names: Merlin Ambrosius, Myrrdin Emrys, Ambrose the scholar. The illegitimate son of High King Aurelius Ambrosius and Princess Aldan of Estregales. Reputedly has a twin sister, Ganeida, though he has denied this. Raised in a monastery, he was protected by the Lady of the Lake and taught by the hermit Galapas. He discovered that he possessed the gift of prophecy as a child when he met King Vortigern in his youth. Once he reached manhood, he met his father and created the monument of Stonehenge for him. He travelled to Faerie to claim Excalibur for King Uther with the help of the Lady of the Lake and Sir Cadfael, Sir Gherard, Sir Aeronwy, Sir Percival and Sir Arnulf. Merlin was crippled in the process (486). Most of Merlin's exploits are the result of a keen intelligence and great learning rather than any supernatural power. Recovered from his injuries and was given a walking stick by Sir Percival, then presented Excalibur to King Uther (487). Foretold the Battle of London, and recalled Prince Madoc from the continent to save the city from the Saxons (488). Forced a peace between King Uther and Duke Gorlois (489). Helped with first aid at the Battle of Lincoln (490). Used his magic to disguise Uther as Gorlois, so that Uther could rape Igraine and father a prophesied child upon her (491). Stole Uther and Igraine's child; has been convicted in absence of high treason and cursed by Igraine (492). Roused Uther to battle against the Saxons. Was poisoned at the feast following the Battle of Saint Albans, but survived at the cost of his mind - now living, insane, in the wilderness (495). His sanity has been restored to him, and he has gone to be young Arthur's tutor, in the guise of Ambrose the hermit (499). Visited Esther at Amesbury, and died (508). Slew Rhiann to save Svenhilde (509). Returned from the grave with increased power to create the Sword in the Stone; summoned an army of trees to help Arthur at the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Arranged for Arthur and Igraine to be reunited, and for Arthur to win the sword Excalibur; may have been responsible for the May Babies incident (512). Delayed King Lot's arrival at the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513). Instigated the Quest of the White Hart, and took Nimue as his apprentice (514). After losing his magic, he faked his death with Nimue's assistance (515). Living at Fairwind Castle, he directed Guinevere and her knights to Badon Hill (518).
Meurig: Knight of Malahaut. Avenged his father Sir Wynfar when he slew Sir Heilyr (515).
Mildgyth: Spoiled daughter of Leofdag and Godrun. She abducted and married Sigeward, to make peace between her father and Gladwine (517).
Miles: A knight slain by King Pellinore. He may or may not have actually existed (512).
Morgan: Daughter of Gorlois and Igraine. Betrothed to King Urien of Gorre (492). Living with her mother in Amesbury (495). Seems to be practicing magic, without the Ladies of the Lake noticing (498). Brutally slew a raiding party of Saxons with her magic when they attacked Igraine in Amesbury; married to King Urien post-haste (501). Joined her brother's court (514). Responsible for the Grey Knight (515).
Morgause: Daughter of Gorlois by his first wife. Married to King Lot of Lothian (492). Used magic to manipulate the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, to no avail (510). Seduced King Arthur (511). Her son was kidnapped in the May Babies incident (512). Remains Queen of Orkney and Lothian after the death of her husband (513).
Nelda: A Saxon witch from Sussex who supports King Aelle. She took part in the 'Wedding Raid' (517). Survived a magical duel with Nimue at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Meurig: Knight of Malahaut. Avenged his father Sir Wynfar when he slew Sir Heilyr (515).
Mildgyth: Spoiled daughter of Leofdag and Godrun. She abducted and married Sigeward, to make peace between her father and Gladwine (517).
Miles: A knight slain by King Pellinore. He may or may not have actually existed (512).
Morgan: Daughter of Gorlois and Igraine. Betrothed to King Urien of Gorre (492). Living with her mother in Amesbury (495). Seems to be practicing magic, without the Ladies of the Lake noticing (498). Brutally slew a raiding party of Saxons with her magic when they attacked Igraine in Amesbury; married to King Urien post-haste (501). Joined her brother's court (514). Responsible for the Grey Knight (515).
Morgause: Daughter of Gorlois by his first wife. Married to King Lot of Lothian (492). Used magic to manipulate the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, to no avail (510). Seduced King Arthur (511). Her son was kidnapped in the May Babies incident (512). Remains Queen of Orkney and Lothian after the death of her husband (513).
Nelda: A Saxon witch from Sussex who supports King Aelle. She took part in the 'Wedding Raid' (517). Survived a magical duel with Nimue at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Nentres: King of Garloth, and owing allegiance to King Lot of Lothian. Married to Gorlois' daughter Elaine (492). Fought against King Arthur in the Battles of Carlion and Bedegraine (510). Killed at the Battle of Bassus River (512).
Nimue: A child entrusted to Sir Esther by Merlin (491). She lived in Amesbury Monastery, where she was friends with Morgan. She displayed miraculous powers, like calming the changeling nephew of Sir Brietta (497). Taken away by the Ladies of the Lake (498). The Lady of the Lake, in the form of Sir Esther, is now her faerie godmother (499). Discovered the Ladies of the Lake were lying to her and fled (513). Taken by Merlin as his apprentice after being rescued by King Pellinore (514). Helped Merlin fake his death after inheriting his powers. Confronted and threw down the corrupted Ladies of the Lake, becoming the leader of a new order, and retrieved the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir (515). Helped arrange for armies to reach Badon Hill, and fought a magical duel against the Saxon wizards during the battle (518).
Nineve: A Lady of the Lake, a claircognizant and healer. She recruited the knights of Salisbury to defeat Sir Gorboduc, and had a beautiful tomb built for Sir Cadfael and Lady Violette (497). Was escorted by the knights around the outskirts of the Forest Sauvage, and in exchange helped the knights obtain a stork. She later came to Salisbury to take Nimue away to join the Ladies of the Lake (498). Killed by Sir Balin (512).
Nimue: A child entrusted to Sir Esther by Merlin (491). She lived in Amesbury Monastery, where she was friends with Morgan. She displayed miraculous powers, like calming the changeling nephew of Sir Brietta (497). Taken away by the Ladies of the Lake (498). The Lady of the Lake, in the form of Sir Esther, is now her faerie godmother (499). Discovered the Ladies of the Lake were lying to her and fled (513). Taken by Merlin as his apprentice after being rescued by King Pellinore (514). Helped Merlin fake his death after inheriting his powers. Confronted and threw down the corrupted Ladies of the Lake, becoming the leader of a new order, and retrieved the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir (515). Helped arrange for armies to reach Badon Hill, and fought a magical duel against the Saxon wizards during the battle (518).
Nineve: A Lady of the Lake, a claircognizant and healer. She recruited the knights of Salisbury to defeat Sir Gorboduc, and had a beautiful tomb built for Sir Cadfael and Lady Violette (497). Was escorted by the knights around the outskirts of the Forest Sauvage, and in exchange helped the knights obtain a stork. She later came to Salisbury to take Nimue away to join the Ladies of the Lake (498). Killed by Sir Balin (512).
Oisc: Saxon King of Kent. Son of Hengist, brother of Octa. Responsible for arming the bandits in Logres and paying off Duke Gorlois. Attacked London but was driven off by Prince Madoc (488). Has allied with Octa (493). Invaded Salisbury, but withdrew after the death of Octa at Saint Albans (495). Sent his agents to acquire the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir (504). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Onion: A giant obsessed with all things Roman. Sir Cadfael, Sir Arnulf and Bronwyn convinced him to come live in Illwind Castle (489). Fought at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Osfrith: Long-haired friend of Wigmund. A poet. Accidentally helped him kidnap Berchthild (517). Died at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Oslafa: Immense nursemaid of Mildgyth. Took part in the 'wedding raid' (517).
Owyn: Bandit leader in Sugales, slain by Sir Taedi (516).
Pellam: Brother of King Pellinore, the Fisher King of Carbonek. Maimed by the Dolorous Blow of Sir Balin (514).
Pellinore: King of North Wales, he abandoned his homeland to hunt the Questing Beast. Fought King Arthur; killed the Centurion King at the Battle of Bassus River (512). Killed King Lot at the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513). Made a Knight of the Round Table, and took part in the Quest of the White Hart (514). Fought at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Polayne: Assistant to Tanicus. He led Sir Taedi and Sir Zebediah to rescue his master (516).
Port: Saxon King. Landed and conquered Portchester from King Cerdic (501). Entered into an alliance with King Cerdic (507). Died at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Powell: A drunken knight of Malahaut. Helped Sir Einion 'rescue' Lady Gwladys (515).
Queen of the Wasteland: Wife of King Pellam, now living alone in a monastery in the Wasteland. Guided the knights of Salisbury towards the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudclud (515).
Rabart: Ferryman of the Severn River, he helps travelers enter Sugales.
Osfrith: Long-haired friend of Wigmund. A poet. Accidentally helped him kidnap Berchthild (517). Died at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Oslafa: Immense nursemaid of Mildgyth. Took part in the 'wedding raid' (517).
Owyn: Bandit leader in Sugales, slain by Sir Taedi (516).
Pellam: Brother of King Pellinore, the Fisher King of Carbonek. Maimed by the Dolorous Blow of Sir Balin (514).
Pellinore: King of North Wales, he abandoned his homeland to hunt the Questing Beast. Fought King Arthur; killed the Centurion King at the Battle of Bassus River (512). Killed King Lot at the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513). Made a Knight of the Round Table, and took part in the Quest of the White Hart (514). Fought at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Polayne: Assistant to Tanicus. He led Sir Taedi and Sir Zebediah to rescue his master (516).
Port: Saxon King. Landed and conquered Portchester from King Cerdic (501). Entered into an alliance with King Cerdic (507). Died at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Powell: A drunken knight of Malahaut. Helped Sir Einion 'rescue' Lady Gwladys (515).
Queen of the Wasteland: Wife of King Pellam, now living alone in a monastery in the Wasteland. Guided the knights of Salisbury towards the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudclud (515).
Rabart: Ferryman of the Severn River, he helps travelers enter Sugales.
Red Banneret of Glevum: Son of the Duke of Gloucester, and constantly feuding with his twin the Green Banneret of Glevum. More aggressive than his brother. Was an unwitting party in trying to get the knights of Salisbury involved in the feud between Gloucester and Clarence (494). Nearly killed by men of Clarence (503). Died at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Rhiann (1): Lady Mayor of London. Successful merchant with no scruples.
Richard (1): The priest of Silbury.
Richard (2): Nicknamed 'Redcheeks', a knight of Leinster. Visited the tournament at Sugales (516).
Robert: Newborn son of Earl Roderick and Countess Ellen of Salisbury, and heir to the county. Younger brother of Jenna. The Earl of Salisbury after the death of his father (495). Taken to Cameliard after the fall of Salisbury (499). Knighted and invested, he led the attack on Salisbury but was wounded (505). Fought at the Battle of Netley Marsh (508). Brashly broke with the Saxons, took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510). Fought in the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Ryence: King of Norgales, with a habit for collecting the beards of kings he has defeated. Slain by Sir Fflergant before the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513). His corpse was used by Morgan as the Grey Knight (515).
Rhiann (1): Lady Mayor of London. Successful merchant with no scruples.
Richard (1): The priest of Silbury.
Richard (2): Nicknamed 'Redcheeks', a knight of Leinster. Visited the tournament at Sugales (516).
Robert: Newborn son of Earl Roderick and Countess Ellen of Salisbury, and heir to the county. Younger brother of Jenna. The Earl of Salisbury after the death of his father (495). Taken to Cameliard after the fall of Salisbury (499). Knighted and invested, he led the attack on Salisbury but was wounded (505). Fought at the Battle of Netley Marsh (508). Brashly broke with the Saxons, took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510). Fought in the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Ryence: King of Norgales, with a habit for collecting the beards of kings he has defeated. Slain by Sir Fflergant before the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513). His corpse was used by Morgan as the Grey Knight (515).
Saexwulf: A Saxon mercenary lord. Newly arrived from the continent, he swore fealty to King Aelle of Sussex and took part in the Salisbury Tournament (499). Led King Aelle's troops at the Battle of Netley Marsh (508). King Aelle's emissary to the wedding of King Arthur (514). Died at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Sagremore: Crown Prince of Byzantium; he has come to Britain to see chivalry. Knight of the Round Table. Friend of Sir Dodinas. Fought at the Tournament of Dreams (516). Fought at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Samantha: Handmaiden of Queen Elidia of Sugales.
Samwell: A knight of King Arthur. Helped with the great tax census (516). Died at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Sanam: Earl of Bedegraine. Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, surprising everyone with how well he did, and swore fealty to King Arthur (510). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514).
Sian: An overly religious knight of Malahaut. Helped Sir Einion 'rescue' Lady Gwladys (515).
Siegland: Daughter of Sir Albrecht, she joined the Saxons after her father's estate was burned down. Joined Aelle's heorthgeneats. Took part in the 'wedding raid' (517). Escaped the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Sigeward: Son of Gladwine and Baldeth, older brother of Wigmund. A mighty warrior with an empty head. Abducted in the 'Wedding Raid' and married to Mildgyth to secure the alliance between his father and Leofdag (517). Died in the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Simeon: A knight who accused Svenhilde of being a witch; defeated by Sir Griflet in a duel of honour (514).
Sligon: Usurper king of Thule.
Taliesin: A young bard who seems older than his years. Fought at Badon Hill (518).
Taman: A corrupt priest living in the Wasteland, who fed his guests to Theodora, a succubus. Slain by Sir Taedi (515).
Tanicus: A holy pilgrim who carries a relic: the Hand of Saint Albans. Master of Polayne. He helped reveal Queen Elidia's schemes (516).
Telifan: A Knight of Saint Gwiona. He manipulated his station to seize land in Wuerensis (509). Defeated Sir Julius in a duel of honour over his actions (510). Slew Sir Julius when he attacked him in the street (511). Died in the Battle of Castle Terrabil (513).
Thaddeus: A former knight of Malahaut who fled from a battle, and abandoned his oaths in shame. Reclaimed his honour when he helped rescue the knights of Salisbury, and swore to defend Hadrian's Wall from the Picts with Sir Julian (501). Died in the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Theodora: A succubus living with Taman in the Wasteland. Banished by Sir Taedi (515).
Thomas: Squire of Sir Vardilain of Olbray. Committed suicide after convincing Sir Xavier to kill his master (515).
Tor: Illegitimate son of King Pellinore. Raised as a commoner, but made a Knight of the Round Table. Proved his worth in the Quest of the White Hart (514). Fought in the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Ulfius: Duke of Silchester. The most powerful nobleman in Logres. Went with Uther when the King raped Igraine (491). Is advocating negotiating with Octa's Saxons (493). Was responsible for Eosa being released, as part of an attempted negotiation with Octa (494). Wounded in the Battle of Saint Albans (495). Is paying tribute to the Saxons (496). Has formed his own power base in the Thames Valley (502). Almost started fighting King Nanteleod; given control of Rydychan (504). Is effectively the leader of Logres after the death of King Nanteleod (508). Took part in the Tournament of the Sword in the Stone, swore fealty to King Arthur, and was chosen to guard Excalibur as one of the ten best knights in Britain (510). Accused Igraine of treachery (512). Made a Knight of the Round Table (514). Died in the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Urien: King of Gorre. He is allied with King Lot of Lothian. Engaged to Gorlois and Igraine's daughter Morgan (492). Married Morgan, though she was still a child (501).
Valiant: Son of King Aguar and Prince of Thule, living in exile in the Fens. Met Sir Gawain and became his squire (515). Made a knight to fill out the ranks at Badon Hill (518).
Vance: The Lady of Vance was a friend of King Ryence. Helped with the Grey Knight incident (515).
Vardilain: The guardian of Olbray in the Wasteland. Went insane after his village was killed by the plague. Slain by Sir Xavier (515).
Victor: A cheerful knight of Malahaut. Went on his first (mis)adventure with Sir Taedi (515). Fought at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Vivian: Leader of the Ladies of the Lake. Slain by Nimue when the Ladies were cast down (515).
White Knight: A mysterious knight who turned the tide at the Battle of the River Dubglas (517). Fought in the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Wigmund: Younger son of Gladwine and Baldeth, brother of Sigeward. A poet, he takes after his mother. Accidentally abducted Berchthild, who knocked him out (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Wyman: A veteran member of Aelle's heorthgeneats. Took part in the 'Wedding Raid' (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Urien: King of Gorre. He is allied with King Lot of Lothian. Engaged to Gorlois and Igraine's daughter Morgan (492). Married Morgan, though she was still a child (501).
Valiant: Son of King Aguar and Prince of Thule, living in exile in the Fens. Met Sir Gawain and became his squire (515). Made a knight to fill out the ranks at Badon Hill (518).
Vance: The Lady of Vance was a friend of King Ryence. Helped with the Grey Knight incident (515).
Vardilain: The guardian of Olbray in the Wasteland. Went insane after his village was killed by the plague. Slain by Sir Xavier (515).
Victor: A cheerful knight of Malahaut. Went on his first (mis)adventure with Sir Taedi (515). Fought at the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Vivian: Leader of the Ladies of the Lake. Slain by Nimue when the Ladies were cast down (515).
White Knight: A mysterious knight who turned the tide at the Battle of the River Dubglas (517). Fought in the Battle of Badon Hill (518).
Wigmund: Younger son of Gladwine and Baldeth, brother of Sigeward. A poet, he takes after his mother. Accidentally abducted Berchthild, who knocked him out (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
Wyman: A veteran member of Aelle's heorthgeneats. Took part in the 'Wedding Raid' (517). Died at Badon Hill (518).
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