The Rolls of the Fallen: Former Player Characters

Sir Hugh (5,150 Glory) Died 528 AD.
Heraldry: None
Key Characteristics: Energetic 16, Just 16, Pious 16, Trusting 16, Valorous 18, Loyalty Lord 16, Love Family 16, Hospitality 18, Honour 16, Loyalty Arthur 16, Amor Guinevere 16, Size 17, Constitution 18, Sword 16.
Key Relationships: Son of Sir Cuthbert.
Key Events: Knighted at Badon Hill (518). Finished training at the court of Duke Derfel (524). Took part in the war against Emperor Lucius (526). Entered Rome with King Arthur's army (527). Died on the Perilous Isle (528).

Sir Goscelin the Mouse Knight (3,260 Glory) Died 528 AD.
Heraldry: A wounded dragon
Key Characteristics: Energetic 18, Deceitful 16, Just 17, Modest 16, Trusting 16, Valorous 17, Loyalty Lord 18, Love Family 17, Hospitality 16, Size 16, Awareness 16, Sword 17.
Key Relationships: Son of Idain, grandson of Sir Arnulf the Wind Dragon.
Key Events: Helped Sir Tellus rescue the Mouse Court, and was blessed with powers of mouse (524). Returned from Faerie (525). Took part in the war against Emperor Lucius (526). Fell in love with the Lady of the Veil (527). Died on the Perilous Isle (528).

Sir Balthazar (11,303 Glory) Died 523 AD.
Heraldry: A crescent moon
Key Characteristics: Valorous 16, Loyalty Lord 16, Love Family 16, Hospitality 16, Honour 17, Hate Saxons 17, Loyalty (Arthur) 16, Amor Guinevere 16, Flirting 20, Horsemanship 18, Sword 24.
Key Relationships: Son of Sir Arnulf. Illegitimate children, Eugenides (born 511, 19 years old), Eiren (born 511, 19 years old), Rothais (born 512, 18 years old), Laurel (born 519, 11 years old), Georgiana (born 521, 9 years old).
Key Events; Knighted (506). Discovered the treasure of King Sil under Silbury Hill, but left it undisturbed (511). Attended King Arthur's court (512). Found the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudclud (515). Fought in the Ten Battles (516-517). Survived Badon Hill (518). Slew Beithir the Undead Pictish Warlock Giant (519). Helped teach Sir Danain about chivalry (520). Became a Knight of the Round Table (521). Died with great glory at the sack of Ely (523).

Sir Donna (8,172 Glory) Died 523 AD.
Heraldry: A cross in front of a lamb; on a purple and gold striped field.
Key Characteristics: Energetic 20, Forgiving 20, Generous 16, Pious 18, Valorous 18, Loyalty (Lord) 17, Love Family 18, Honour 18, Love (God) 16, Strength 17, Horsemanship 17, Sword 21.
Key Relationships: Cousin of Brietta and Aeronwy, aunt of Cuthbert, older sister of Elspeth and sister-in-law of Sir Fflergant.
Key Events: Became a Knight of St. Gwiona and fought witches around Devizes (507). Won great glory at the Battle of Netley Marsh, killing Sir Martine of Cornwall (508). Saved the life of her new brother-in-law, Sir Fflergant (509). Went insane after argument with her family; renamed herself Sir Gwin; was lost in the Forest Sauvage (510). Rescued by the Rabbit Queen, became a faerie knight (511). Rescued by Sir Fflergant (515). Healed by the Holy Grail after the Battle of the Castle of Joy, and returned home (516). Fought in the Ten Battles (516-517). Survived the Battle of Badon Hill (518). Traveled the Fairy Road to save King Arthur (521). Died with great glory at the Sack of Ely (523).

Sir Avain (3,626 Glory) Died 523 AD.
Heraldry: A bird on a quartered field.
Key Characteristics: Lustful 16, Loyalty Lord 16, Hospitality 16, Honor 15, Amor Guinevere 17, Lance 16.
Key Relationships: Half-brother of Sir Taedi. Married Lucilla; one child Mary (born 522, 7 years old).
Key Events: Fought with distinction at the Battle of Loch Lomond (519). Solved the murder of Marshfield Hall (522). Died with great glory during the sack of Ely (523).

Sir Esther, a.k.a. 'Naomi the Hermit' (9,876 Glory) Died 518 AD.
Heraldry: A black cross on a gold and white field separated with a horizontal black zig-zag.
Key Characteristics: Chaste 17, Energetic 18, Generous 18, Merciful 16, Modest 19, Pious 18, Temperate 17, Loyalty (Lord) 18, Love (Family) 17, Honour 16, Hate (Saxons) 20, Love (God) 23, Courtesy 16, First Aid 20, Religion (British Christian) 20, Stewardship 17, Sword 21, Lance 16.
Key Relationships: Sister of Sir Percival (deceased). Follower of Saint Gwiona. Adopted child Nimue (born 491).
Key Events: Joined Amesbury Monastery as a follower of Saint Gwiona (488). Left the monastery to administer to her deceased brother's estates (490). Spread the word of Gwiona at Uther's Christmas feast, and took part in the Battle of Castle Terrabil (491). Fought water leapers in Somerset's marshes while pursuing Irish slavers (492). Saved the life of King Canan and arranged an alliance between Estregales and Logres (494). Slew Sir Eleri the Traitor during the aftermath of the Battle of Saint Albans (495). Failed to arrange alliances for Salisbury (496). Drove off the Galloping Devil and his Dandy Dogs in the Forest Sauvage (497). Helped build the allegorical zoo (498). Sacrificed her happiness to the King of Sauvage in a deal to protect Nimue (499). Slew the faerie redcap (500). Retired to become Abbess of Amesbury after the death of Gwiona (501). Founded the Knights of Saint Gwiona (507). Changed her name and became a hermit to seek the Holy Grail (509). Discovered living at Fairwind Castle with Ambrose's community of scholars; died at Badon Hill (518).

Sir Zebediah (7,881 Glory) Died 518 AD.
Heraldry: Two hands over the Star of David.
Key Characteristics: Generous 16, Just 17, Loyalty Lord 16, Love Family 16, Hospitality 16, Honour 16, Love God 16, Amor (Guinevere) 21, Size 18, Constitution 23, Stewardship 25, Sword 23.
Key Relationships: Married to Golde.
Key Events: Settled in Salisbury, and was knighted by Queen Guinevere (514). Found the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudclud (515). Attended the Tournament of Dreams (516). Fought in the Ten Battles (516-517). Died at Badon Hill (518).

Sir Taedi (6,566 Glory) Died 518 AD.
Heraldry: Three castles above a hammer.
Key Characteristics: Merciful 16, Valorous 16, Loyalty Lord 16, Love Family 17, Hospitality 16, Honour 16, Hate Saxons 17, Strength 18, Constitution 17, Falconry 17, Maul 20.
Key Relationships: Half-brother Sir Avain.
Key Events: Given King Arthur Pendragon's shield at the wedding of Arthur and Guinevere (514). Found the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudclud (515). Attended the Tournament of Dreams (516). Fought in the Ten Battles (516-517). Died covering Guinevere's escape from Salisbury (518).

Sir Xavier (6,133 Glory) Died 518 AD.
Heraldry: None yet
Key Characteristics: Deceitful 19, Valorous 16, Love Family 17, Hospitality 17, Honour 16, Appearance 16, Courtesy 16, Flirting 16, Heraldry 16, Intrigue 17, Horsemanship 16, Sword 16.
Key Relationship: Distantly related to Sir Gherard. Married Lady Ariette of Stonewall.
Key Events: Slew a lion outside Dolorous Garde (514). Found the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudclud (515). Fought in the Ten Battles (516-517). Died at Badon Hill (518).

Sir Mabon (4,357 Glory) Died 518 AD.
Heraldry: An ornate green cross on a white field with green borders.
Key Characteristics: Modest 16, Honour 19, Loyalty (Svenhilde) 23, Size 16, Constitution 16, Hunting 21, Sword 16.
Key Relationships: Son of Sir Jeremy. Nephew of Sir Percival and Abbess Esther. Married Agnes and adopted her daughter Naomi (born 508 - 22 years old). One daughter Mab (born 514 - 16 years old). One half-satyr girl Madlyn (born 512; fostered by Svenhildr).
Key Events; Discovered his heritage and became a knight (507). Fought in the Battle of Netley Marsh (508). Argued about washing dishes (509). Witnesses King Arthur drawing the sword from the stone; went into the Forest Sauvage to find the magic of Gwydion ap Don; defended Merlin and Svenhilde at the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Sought the golden armour of King Sil (511). Took part in a Satyr orgy (512). Became an officer in charge of the Queen's Justice (513). Died at Badon Hill (518).

Sir Fflergant (8,143 Glory) Died 516 AD.
Heraldry: A fox above seven diamonds, on a vertically divided background.
Key Characteristics: Energetic 18, Valorous 16, Loyalty (Lord) 17, Love (Family) 16, Hospitality 17, Honour 18, Hate (Saxons) 16, Hate (Norgales) 16, Love (Elspeth) 20, Loyalty (Arthur) 16, Appearance 17, Flirting 25, Folklore 16, Hunting 16, Orate 16, Battle 16, Sword 20.
Key Relationship: Married to Elspeth, brother in law to Sir Donna and Sir Gwin.
Key Events: Knighted, and joins King Nanteleod (502). Fought in the Battle of Lindsey (503). Fought in the Battle of Rydychan (504). Fought in the reconquest of Salisbury (505). Fought in Somerset (506). Fought in the Battle of Netley Marsh, and became the Brigand King (508). Was betrayed, wounded and lost his followers (509). Led the tree army at the Battle of Bedegraine (510). Rescued the Grampus of Highclere (511). Hunted the Questing Beast with King Pellinore (512). Killed King Ryonce and fled Arthur's justice (513). Found Sir Donna in Faerie (515). Died with great glory at the Battle of the Fields of Joy (516).

Sir Julius (2,123 Glory) Died 510 AD
Heraldry: None
Key Characteristics: Reckless 16, Love Family 16, Hate (Saxons) 19, Hate (Svenhilde) 23, Strength 16, Constitution 16, Hunting 16,
Key Relationships: Son of Sir Cadfael and Lady Violette.
Key Events: Snuck into the Battle of Netley Marsh, though only a squire (508).Spurned in love by Svenhilde (509). Knighted; witnessed King Arthur drawing the sword from the stone; died in the Battle of Carlion (510).

Sir Cuthbert (4,277 Glory) Died 506 AD
Heraldry: A winged dog.
Key Characteristics: Chaste 16, Vengeful 17, Just 16, Pious 16, Trusting 16, Valorous 17, Loyalty (Lord) 16, Love (Family) 16, Hospitality 18, Honour 16, Love (Gwendolyn) 16, Appearance 18, Dancing 16, Sword 21.
Key Relationships: Son of Sir Aeronwy. Nephew of Sir Brietta. Married to Gwendolyn. Two sons, David (born 503, dead, 3 years old) and Hugh.
Key Events: Stolen by faeries (496). Rescued by Sir Brietta (499). Helped slay the Green Dragon of Wednesbury and the Redcap (500). Helped slay King Aescalax of Essex, and claimed his Andalusian charger (501). Renounced faerie and married a shepherdess (503). Helped find the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir (504). Reclaimed Salisbury for Earl Robert (505). Fought the Worm of Tisbury; died slaying Sir Orlin (506).

Sir Bleddyn (3,010 Glory) Died 506 AD
Heraldry: A wolf's head.
Key Characteristics: Cruel 17, Valorous 16, Hate Saxons 18, Strength 18, Constitution 20, Intrigue 20, Sword 21, Flail 16.
Key Relationships: Younger brother of Sir Cadfael. Married, one daughter (born 500, died aged 3 years old), twin daughters (born 502, one died age 4, one died age 0), twin boy and girl (born 503, 27 years old).
Key Events: Helped build the allegorical zoo (498). Released dragons upon the world (499). Fled from the Green Dragon of Wednesbury (500). Helped kill King Aescalax of Essex (501). Murdered Sir Galvius of Malahaut (503). Helped find the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir (504). Reclaimed Salisbury for Earl Robert (505). Died fighting Sir Orlin (506).

Sir Jeremy (2,129 Glory) Died 506 AD
Heraldry: A bow and arrow, drawn, on a field diagonally divided.
Key Characteristics: Indulgent 16, Love Family 20, Love Svenhilde 19, Dexterity 16, Strength 17, Hunting 20, Horsemanship 16, Sword 20, Lance 16, Bow 20.
Key Relationships: Younger half-brother of Sir Percival and Sir Esther. Illegitimate father of Sir Mabon.
Key Events: Helped slay King Aescalax of Essex (501). Fell in love with Svenhilde (503). Helped find the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir (504). Died fighting the Worm of Tisbury (506).

Sir Gherard (6,007 Glory) Died 501 AD
Heraldry: A purple field, bisected diagonally; in the upper left, three copper fish; in the lower right, copper plant motifs.
Key Characteristics: Valorous 20, Loyalty (Lord) 16, Love (Family) 16, Hospitality 16, Honour 20, Hate (Saxons) 16, Love (Edwina) 17, Flirting 16, Sword 20.
Key Relationships: Innumerable illegitimate offspring. Married to Dowager Baroness Edwina of Devon (deceased, 494).
Key Events: Philandered instead of hunting bears (484). Helped Merlin find Excalibur (486). Took part in Prince Madoc's naval raids (487). Married the Dowager Baroness Edwina at London and moved to Devon (491). Went questing to seek the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir (495). Escaped from the Lost Isle of Mann (500). Perished in the attempt to slay King Aescalax of Essex (501).

Sir George (4,519 Glory) Died 501 AD
Heraldry: A red cross on a white field, a gold chalice with laurels in the top left corner.
Key Characteristics: Merciful 16, Valorous 18, Loyalty (Lord) 16, Love (Family) 16, Honour 16, Love (God) 16, Orate 16, Play (Harp) 25, Sword 20, Lance 16.
Key Relationships: Warden over Sir Albrecht's estate. Follower of Saint Gwiona.
Key Events: Aided in the rescue of Sir Cadfael from slavery in Ireland (493). Fought with distinction at the Battle of Saint Albans (495). Failed to arrange alliances for Salisbury (496). Explored the Forest Sauvage (497). Helped build the allegorical zoo (498). Slew the Green Dragon of Wednesbury (500). Eaten by a dragon (501).

Sir Brietta (3,738 Glory) Died 499 AD
Heraldry: A brown bear rampant to sinister, on a field of purple with a gold horizontal stripe.
Key Characteristics: Energetic 17, Generous 17, Proud 16, Valorous 16, Loyalty (Lord) 17, Love (Family) 16, Hospitality 17, Honour 16, Sword 18.
Key Relationships: Younger sister of Sir Aeronwy. A daughter Ceridwen (born 496, 2 years old - dead).
Key Events: Fought in the first day of the Battle of Saint Albans (495). Slept with Sir Helbur while lost in the Forest Sauvage (496). Went to Faerie with Tad the deceitful faerie of Illwind (497). Helped assemble the allegorical zoo (498). Sacrificed her life to rescue her nephew Cuthbert from Faerie (499).

Sir Cadfael (6,359 Glory) Died 497 AD
Heraldry: A red fox's head over a latticework of diagonal yellow stripes, on a field of black.
Key Characteristics: Energetic 16, Valorous 16, Love (Family) 17, Hospitality 17, Hate (Saxons) 19, Love (Violette) 19, Flirting 16, Intrigue 16, Battle 16, Horsemanship 16, Sword 21.
Key Relationships: Married to Lady Violette of Castle Illwind. Twins boys Magnus and Julius (born 490, died at Badon aged 28 years old), twin boys Cador and Marcus (born 494, died at Badon aged 24 years old; dead at 7).
Key Events: Defeated the Saxon bandit Uhtred and his band (484). Captured Sir Arnulf of Leucomagus, and shamed himself at the Battle of Mearcred Creek rescuing Sir Albrecht (485). Aided Merlin in claiming Excalibur from Faerie (486). Slew Sir Catrin of London in a duel of honour (488). Married Lady Violette of Castle Illwind (489). Retreated from the Battle of Lincoln (490). Fought in the battle of Castle Terrabil (491). Rescued Lady Evienne of the Lake from Irish raiders but was himself taken as a slave (492). Rescued from Ireland by his wife and companions (493). Slew Sir Orcas of Estregales in a duel to ensure an alliance between Estregales and Logres (494). Defeated by Sir Eleri the Traitor at the Battle of Saint Albans (495). Had his senses stolen by a Faerie knight (496). Died with his wife defeating Sir Gorbuduc the Fiend (497).

Sir Arnulf (8,912 Glory) Died 495 AD
Heraldry: A black heart on two perpendicular diagonal white stripes, on a field of black.
Key Characteristics: Energetic 16, Just 17, Trusting 16, Valorous 17, Loyalty (Lord) 17, Love (Family) 17, Hospitality 16, Honour 16, Hate (Saxons) 16, Love (Prince Madoc) 16, Flirting 21, Horsemanship 18, Sword 24, Lance 17.
Key Relationships: Former vassal of Sir Rhisiart, the Steward of Leucomagus. First marriage to Sir Angharad's sister. Lover of Prince Madoc. Second marriage to Earl Roderick's daughter Jenna.  Two children: Son Balthazar by Angharad's sister, daughter Idain from outside wedlock (born 488, 42 years old).
Key Events: Raided Salisbury and was captured (485). Helped Merlin claim Excalibur from Faerie (486). Helped uncover the treachery of Sir Eleri (488). Helped Sir Cadfael win his wife (489). Captured the Saxon war banner in the Battle of Lindsey (490). Avenged Prince Madoc's death by slaying Duke Gorlois (491). Fought water leapers in the marshes of Somerset while pursuing Irish raiders (492). Framed for banditry by the Steward of Leucomagus (493). Arranged an alliance with Estregales (494). Defeated Sir Eleri the Traitor and King Octa of Deira at the Battle of Saint Albans, but was slain (495).

Sir Neddig (3,528 Glory) Died 495 AD
Heraldry: A green water leaper on a diagonally quartered blue and white field.
Key Characteristics: Loyalty (Lord) 16, Love (Family) 16, Hospitality 16, First Aid 21, Horsemanship 16, Two-Handed Sword 20.
Key Relationships: Married to an unknown peasant girl. Has one son, Neddig the Younger (born 487, died 39 years old in the invasion of Europe).
Key Events: Helped capture Sir Arnulf of Leucomagus (485). Attempted to negotiate a cessation of the hostilities between Salisbury and Leucomagus (486). Took part in Prince Madoc's naval raids against the Saxons (487). Fought water leapers in Somerset's marshes while pursuing Irish slavers (492). Died fighting berserkers at the Battle of Saint Albans (495).

Sir Aeronwy (3,621 Glory) Died 493 AD
Heraldry: A brown bear's-head dripping red blood, on a diagonally striped field of purple and yellow.
Key Characteristics: Energetic 16, Merciful 17, Valorous 17, Loyalty (Lord) 16, Honour 17, Sword 21, Lance 16.
Key Relationships: Married to Bert, a peasant. Many affairs. Son Gherard - dead (3 years old). Son Cuthbert.
Key Events: Slew the 'man-eating bear of Imber' (484). Fought at the Battle of Mearcred Creek (485). Helped Merlin claim Excalibur from Faerie (486). Defeated the Black Knight of Castle Illwind (488). Fought the traitor knight Sir Eleri at the Battle of Lincoln (490). Fought in the Siege of Castle Terrabil (491). Died hunting a lion in Malahaut (493).

Sir Albrecht (5,080 Glory) Died 491 AD
Heraldry: A gold lightning bolt on a red fire on a white field.
Key Characteristics: Vengeful 17, Proud 16, Valorous 16, Love (Family) 17, Hospitality 17, Axe 21,
Key Relationships: Married an unknown peasant. Four children: Twins, a son Siegfried (dead) and daughter Brunhilda (born 484, dead 39 years old); a son Albrecht the Younger (born 485, dead 38 years old); a daughter Siegland (born 491, died 32 years old).
Key Events: Led the search for the 'man-eating bear of Imber' (484). Proclaimed the 'Chosen of Wotan' when he defeated the Prophet in a trial of ordeal (488). Destroyed the town of Malksham in reprisal for religious violence against Wotanists (490). Murdered Archbishop Iestyn of Canterbury in reprisal for attempted blackmail, and was himself slain with his followers (491).

Sir Percival (2,314 Glory) Died 490 AD
Heraldry: Black scales on a gold and white field, divided vertically.
Key Characteristics: Prudent 16, Hospitality 18, Hate Saxons 16, Loyalty (Friends) 17, Stewardship 17, Axe 20.
Key Relationships: Brother of Sir Esther. Married to Argel. No children.
Key Events: Knighted (484). Took part in the Battle of Mearcred Creek (485). Helped Merlin claim Excalibur from Faerie (486). Took part in Prince Madoc's naval raids on the Saxons (487). Brought the news of the peasant rebellion to London (488). Died claiming the bridge before the Battle of Lindsey (490).

Sir Angharad (2,080 Glory) Died 487 AD
Heraldry: A blue diagonal stripe perpendicular to a field of purple and gold diagonal stripes.
Key Characteristics: Just 17, Valorous 16, Loyalty (Lord) 17, Love (Family) 16, Hospitality 16, Honour 16, Sword 17.
Key Relationships: Sister-in-law to Sir Arnulf.
Key Events: Fought in the Battle of Mearcred Creek (485). Fought with Sir Brastias in Anglia (486). Died in Prince Madoc's naval raids on the Saxons (487).

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